
Document updates and responses

  • 5 Min.

With Continia eDocuments, you and your customers and vendors have a unique opportunity to keep each other updated in real-time about the status of the documents you exchange.

The field eDocument Status appears on a number of key pages, such as the Sales Order, Purchase Invoice, and Posted Sales Invoice pages, and there you can always see the current status of the selected document. For example, if your customer has accepted or paid a sales order, or if your vendor has made changes to a purchase order order.

DC Purchase Order eDocument Status

You can set up these updates and responses to be sent manually or automatically on the eDocuments Setup page.

The eDocuments Setup page

When you've activated Continia eDocuments or installed a new instance of Document Capture, you should verify or adjust a few default settings on the Continia eDocuments Setup page:

  • Numbering: The number series you want to use for documents exchanged via eDocuments.
  • eDocument responses: Which updates and responses you want to send manually or automatically to your customers and vendors.
DC Continia eDocuments Setup


In Microsoft Business Central 365, unique identification codes are essential for things such as customer and vendor accounts, invoices, and other documents. The same applies to electronic documents, responses, and updates exchanged via Continia eDocuments.

Therefore, under the Numbering FastTab, default number series have been provided for the relevant document types, but you can customize them as needed.

Document TypeDescription
eBilling documentsIncoming purchase invoices/credit memos and outgoing sales invoices/credit memos.
eOrder documentsOutgoing purchase orders and incoming sales orders.
eDocument response documentsA technical response (for example, the received XML file isn't valid) or a business response to an invoice or a credit memo (for example, the items and/or prices differ from what was agreed).
eOrder response documentsIncoming purchase order responses and outgoing sales order responses.

eDocument Responses

On the eDocuments Setup page, you can set up which responses and updates you'd like to send to your vendors and customers. By default, all updates and responses are configured to be sent manually, which means that you can decide for each document if you want to notify your customer or vendor about certain updates or responses.


You can manually send updates and responses from, for example, a sales order or purchase invoice. In the action bar, select Invoice > Send Electronic Confirmation.

Under the eDocument Response FastTab, you specify if you want to manually send order updates and responses to your customers and vendors, or if you want eDocuments to take care of it for you, depending on the document status. For example, you can set up eDocuments to send an update automatically to your customer, when the sales order has the status released.

  • In the section eOrder Response, you specify how and when you want to send sales order updates to your customers.
  • In the section eBilling Response, you specify how and when you want to send responses to vendors who have sent invoices or credit memos to you.