Set up translations, formulas, and fixed values for template fields
- 5 Min.
When fields have been recognized in a document, the information you need may be present but in need of some kind of translation or processing, so that the final value that's compatible with your Business Central data can be extracted. Document Capture has several built-in features to automate this process.
Translations can be set up for template fields to make a translation valid for one specific template only. To do this, follow these steps:
Open the document journal.
Select the document that you want to set up translations for.
In the document fields section, under Document Header, select the three dots in the Field column for the template field that's to be translated.
On the Template Field Card that opens, under Field Translations, enter the values to translate from and to, and specify if they should be case-sensitive.
Document Capture will automatically translate the values when recognizing them in the document. Note that the translations are template-specific.
Our Contact is a field that's often translated and therefore has its own dedicated translation page. You can open it from the document journal by selecting Translations and then Salespeople/Purchasers. Note that translations of Salesperson/Purchaser can be set up for all vendors and templates in one go.
You can remove titles and honorifics (such as Dr, Ms, and Mr) from captured contact values by translating them to nothing at all, as shown in the screenshot above. This will enable Document Capture to use the captured values for further processing.
You can also determine a field's value by combining other values. If it’s a number field, you can construct a formula with other number fields from the template – or with constant number values – and use operators such as *, /, +, and -. If it’s a text field, you can use all fields from the template and concatenate the values using the + sign. To do this, follow these steps:
Open the document journal.
Select the document with the template field that you want to add a formula to.
Select the three dots in the Field column for the relevant template field.
The Template Field Card opens. Under Formula, set up a formula that defines the field's value by referring to other template fields.
Example: If you set up the Posting Description with the DUEDATE + --- + DOCNO formula, where the due date is 31/01/21 and the document number is I-88888, the posting description will be 31/01/21 --- I-88888.
Fixed values
A template field can also be set to have a fixed value. In such cases, you simply enter the fixed value in the Formula field on the Template Field Card. This can be useful if a vendor doesn't print information on the invoice that's obvious to both of you. For example, if the vendor always bills in euros but doesn't print it on the document, you can enter EUR in the formula for the Currency template field.
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