
The journals

  • 6 Min.

Because of the set up you've made in the previous modules, if a bank account ledger entry doesn't match a bank statement line, journal lines will automatically be generated as reconciliation suggestions, if the open ledger entries can be identified based on customer-, vendor-, or employee number, payment ID, or document no. If any reconciliation rules have been defined, these will also be used to generate reconciliation suggestions.

In the following journals, you can look through the suggestions and the lines you have created.

  • To open a journal, on the Bank Account Reconciliation page, navigate to the action bar, and select Journals. Select the relevant journal.


You can also open the journals from the links in the General FastTab menu: No. of related lines in.

The cash receipt journal

The cash receipt journal is for incoming payments, and when you open it, you get notified that there are a few entries with differences. You already know this because you accepted the differences when you went through the unsolved lines.

PM_Bank acc recon_cash receipt journal
  • The first 2 lines are simply regular payments with sufficient information to match an open ledger entry.
  • The next line was matched due to the Customer rule we saw earlier. The text in the description will be translated into a customer number and this line was automatically created in the journal.
  • The next line was created because of the customer number, which is located in the description on the line.
  • The following three lines consist of a joint payment from the headquarters, and two lines where the amounts were distributed on the correct invoices. This was done based on the document number in the additional information.
  • The next line is the line with the accepted payment discount.
  • The last line is the line with the difference in the amount. This you also accepted.
Remove amount differences

When reconciling cash receipt journal lines, you can remove differences using the Insert Difference Journal Lines action. Instead of merely updating the amount, the following three additional journal lines are added for more clarity and accuracy:

  • a line for the customer's posted amount
  • a line for the difference amount to be posted on the G/L account
  • a line for balancing the bank account and reflecting the reconciliation amount


For more information about handling amount differences in the cash receipt journal, please refer to the article: Managing amount differences on Continia Docs.

Now, when you press Close, the bank account ledger entries will be created, and the status on the bank statement lines will change to OK.

The general journal

In case of any differences in the amount on the bank statement lines caused by missing ledger entries, you can specify a general journal to be used by Statement Intelligence for creating general ledger posting suggestions.

Examples of missing ledger entries are coverings, interests, and fees. In this case, amount differences will be created as ledger entries in a general ledger journal ready to be posted.

PM_bank acc recon_general journal
  • In the general journal, the first two lines are created based on the rules that you created for incoming payments with the words Fee or Interest. You can see that they've been posted with the correct balance account, which was also set up in the rules.
  • The next line, which was the one you created from one of the unsolved lines, does not have an account. So to post this journal, we have to choose the account we want this to be posted to. When that is done, select OK to post, and the bank account ledger entries will be created, and the status of the bank statement lines updates to OK.

There are no lines in the payment journal or the employee payment journal.

Now post the journal and check that the status changes to OK and that the lines turn green.