
Set up document logging and archive

  • 2 Min.

Expense Management gives an overview of the flow of each document, including registering, approval. However, there are two options for archiving a more detailed flow for each document, including:

  • when the document was received
  • if attachments were added or removed
  • if the document was discarded due to a duplicate ID
  • matching or unmatching of the expenses against transactions

For a full description of what is included in document logging, see our Secure Archive docs article.

To set up Secure Archive and Logging, navigate to Expense Management Setup, and under the FastTab for Secure Archive and Logging.

You can enable Document Activity Logging by itself, or set it up in combination with an archive period if you also select Enable Secure Archive.

There is a further option to create signed PDF attachments from all documents.

Expense Management Setup_Secure Archive and Logging