
Keep the currency exchange rates updated

  • 4 Min.

Payment Management supports the import of exchange rates from a predefined selection of exchange rate providers that all come with the Payment Management installation. After you have selected a currency exchange rate provider, you can manually import exchange rates, or you can define the settings for automatic and periodic import to ensure they are always up to date.

Configure the currency exchange rate setup

  1. From the Role Center, search for Payment Management Setup, and choose the related link.
  2. From the Payment Management Setup page, select Manual Setup.
  3. Select Currency Exchange Rate Setup.
  4. On the Currency Exchange Rate page, select your preferred Currency Exchange Rate Provider from the drop down list.
    PM Manual setup Currence exchange rate setup01
  5. To manually import currency exchange rates from the selected provider, select the Import Currency Exchange Rates action.
  6. To automatically keep your exchange rates up to date, enable Automatic Import.
  • To update the recurrence of the import, select Ready/On Hold, and then activate the days where you want the automatic service for currency import to run. When you're done, select Ready/On Hold again to activate the setup.


In case Payment Management has updated the selection of currency exchange rate providers, you can update the list by selecting Currency Exchange Rate Providers > New > Import Currency Exchange Rate Providers. Note that Payment Management does not support exchange rate providers that are manually added.


This video demonstrates how to customize the setup of currency exchange rates.


This video was created in an earlier version of the solution so it differs slightly from the current version of Payment Management.