Follow the assisted setup guides
- 5 Min.
Document Capture has now been installed but not activated. The next steps are to activate the solution, import configurations, and perform some basic setup. Document Capture has two assisted setup guides that take you through all the necessary steps to get started. In the following, we'll go through the first assisted setup guide.
The Activation guide
When you sign in to Business Central, a notification will appear at the top of your Role Center, asking if you would like to activate Document Capture. Select Activate now to start the assisted setup guide.
A dialog appears in which Document Capture requests permission to communicate with Continia's servers. Select Allow Always and then OK.
Complete the assisted setup guide. For the activation, you'll need to:
Enter your Continia PartnerZone user ID and password.
Activate Document Capture in trial mode.
- This enables all four Document Capture modules for free, for 30 days. After the free trial period expires, you'll be notified in the Role Center that you need to buy a subscription for Document Capture to continue using the solution. When you activate Document Capture and choose to start a subscription, you must decide which modules to enable, and you'll then be billed for using the solution. The monthly cost of using Document Capture depends on what modules you use and the number of processed documents.
Enter basic company information.
- In Customer Contact and Customer Contact Email, fill in the contact details of the person responsible for managing Document Capture. Typically, it's the CFO or the accounting manager.
When you reach this step, Document Capture has been activated in free trial mode for 30 days:
The Assisted Setup guide
Next, the assisted setup guide will take you through a number of basic configurations.
Continia has made a set of configurations that you can import from Continia Online. The configurations are localized, meaning that they'll vary slightly, depending on which localization you choose. The main difference between the localizations is the naming of fields and the handling of payment references, which are unique in some countries.
For this step, you'll need to:
Import Configurations from Online with English (United Kingdom) localization.
If you're running the guide in an end-user environment, you should choose the same localization as the one used in your Business Central installation. If you're setting up Document Capture for training purposes, we recommend that you choose English (United Kingdom), since the training material on Continia Learn is based on these configurations.
If you're running the guide in an end-user environment, you may not want to include all configurations, such as templates and document categories, as some of them may be unnecessary. Deselect any configurations, you do not wish you include in the setup.
If you're setting up Document Capture for training purposes, we recommend that you include all configurations, since the training material on Continia Learn is based on these configurations.
In the Role Center, you'll see a notification at the top, stating that there are more assisted setup guides available for Document Capture. The second one of these enables you to create an approval workflow. This is optional though, since not all companies use the approval module in Document Capture.
Document Capture is now all set up and ready for use. Next, you'll learn how to set up user permissions.