
Customer reconciliation rules

  • 4 Min.

With Statement Intelligence, Payment Management automatically tries to match customer payments by using the OCR related ID. If a payment has been made without specifying either the invoice number or the OCR-ID (Payment ID), the system will use other parameters, such as date and amount, to identify a match instead.

So, what happens if a unique match can't be found because a customer does not disclose any standard information about the cash payment, such as Document no. or Customer no.? Well, instead they may disclose something else, such as an abbreviation of the customer name or street name, that can be used in a rule.

Using the customer reconciliation rules in the bank account reconciliation, you can specify a search text, that is unique for this customer's payments. When the search text is found, Statement Intelligence translates that into a customer number and inserts it on the statement line, and then you can select and apply the matching customer ledger entries.

Set up customer reconciliation rules

  1. From the Bank Account Reconciliation page, select Rules, and then Customer Reconciliation Rules.
  2. To create a new reconciliation rule, navigate to the action bar and select New.
    Payment Management Customer reconciliation rules
  3. Fill in the fields according to the description in the table below.
Account No.Specify the customer number that should be applied to the payment line when a payment line meets the search rule.90000
Search textSpecify the text to search for when the reconciliation rule is used on the bank account reconciliation lines in order to identify a match.Net Technology A/S
Search PrincipleSpecify how the search is carried out when searching for the specified search text.Exact indicates that the search text must be the exact same as the description on the bank account reconciliation line, for the rule to be met.
From left indicates that the search text must match the first part of the description on the bank account reconciliation line, for the rule to be met.
From right indicates that search text must match the last part of the description on the bank account reconciliation line for the rule to be met.
Within indicates that search text must appear somewhere in the description on the bank account reconciliation line, for the rule to be met.
Search in DescriptionEnable if you want the search rule to search for the search text in the description of the payment line.Enabled
Search in Additional InformationEnable if you want the search rule to search for Search text in the payment line notification.Enabled

When you have finished setting up the reconciliation rules, you can close the page.