
Install Expense Management from Extension Marketplace

  • 2 min.

The Expense Management solution can be installed directly from your Business Central tenant without even leaving the application. You must have super permission in order to complete the full installation and activation process. If you are in doubt whether you have super permission or not, contact your Business Central Administrator, who can help you. You're recommended to install Expense Management in a sandbox environment before installing it in a production environment.

Let's get started!

  1. In the Role Center, choose the search icon, enter Extension Marketplace, and then choose the related link.

    Extension marketplace

  2. In the search bar, enter Continia Expense Management.

  3. Select the Expense Management App.

  4. Select Free Trial.

    Expense Management app page on marketplace

  5. Fill in the necessary information, and check the box if you agree to the terms of use.

  6. Choose the desired language, and select Install.

To get a status on the installation, choose the search icon, enter Extension Management, and then choose the related link. Select Manage > Deployment Status to see the installation status. The installation is completed when the status field says Completed.

Expense Management installed on deployment status page

Congratulations! Expense Management is now installed.

Before running the setup guide in the next unit, you need to sign out of Business Central, close your browser, and sign in again.