
Set up user permissions

  • 2 Min.

When you install Expense Management, Business Central gets a whole range of new features that, by default, can't be used by standard users.

System administrators with the SUPER permission set have access to all Business Central features, including Expense Management, and will have to assign permissions to standard users to allow them to use Expense Management and its features.


Users who only submit expenses don't need any special permissions. Only admins and approver users need that.

Expense Management has built-in permission sets that are tailored to the typical roles within a company. These permission sets are created when installing Expense Management. Typically, IT administrators set up user permissions during the installation process.

The Continia Docs article, Expense Management Permissions includes all the instructions for setting up permissions for Business Central users.

Once accounting managers have been assigned full access to Expense Management and all of its features, you can always create new permission sets and user groups, customized to the needs of your company. This is a standard Business Central process. See the Microsoft article Assign Permissions to Users and User Groups.