
First review of a new purchase contract

  • 4 Min.

Once the configuration of a new purchase contract is complete, it must be reviewed before it become active in Expense Management. It's typically an accountant who initiates this process by sending the new contract, or a batch of contracts, to the reviewer.


For existing and active purchase contracts that are up for their periodic review, the reviewer will be notified on the Role Center when it's time to review the contract.

Start the review

Navigate to the Purchase Contracts page from the Role Center All cue, or using the search function. Then open the relevant record to view the Purchase Contract card.

Use the Start Review action to begin the review process.

EM Purchase Contracts Module-6-Purchase Contract Start Review

The Status of the purchase contract changes to Pending Review to indicate that the review process is underway.

EM Purchase Contracts Module-9-Purchase Contract Review status

Submit the review

When the chosen reviewer logs in to the Web Approval Portal, they can add a Comment and then Submit Review to return the purchase contract to the person who started the review.


If reviewers use Business Central, the pending review will appear in the Purchase Contracts CueGroup as a Review Due. Then in the purchase contract card, the reviewer can add Comments in the Review FastTab before using the Submit Review action.

EM Purchase Contracts Module-11-WAP Purchase Contract Reviewer comment

Return, cancel or finish review

Once a reviewer has submitted a review, the person who started the review is notified on their Role Center on the Review Submitted cue in the Purchase Contracts CueGroup.

EM Purchase Contracts Module-12-Role Center Purchase Contract Review Submitted

If the review needs more details, you can use the Return to Reviewer action to move the process backwards one step.

If the review process has resulted in a decision to cancel the associated subscription or service, or you discover that the expenses are not suitable to be handled as a purchase contract, you can use the Cancel Review action. You can then delete the purchase contract from the list on the main Purchase Contracts page.

Otherwise, use the Finish Review action to activate the purchase contract. As the review is finished, the status for the purchase contract will be blank until the next review is due.

EM Purchase Contracts Module-13-Purchase Contract Finish Review (1)