
Create mapping rules

  • 4 min.

Expense Management is a general solution that is built to integrate with hundreds of different banks and credit card providers all over the world. The banks and credit card providers might provide data in slightly different ways with different codes for currencies and countries. This means that some transactions might end up in the Unhandled Bank Transaction Inbox Cue, as they will contain data that Expense Management doesn't recognize. If transactions end up in the Unhandled Bank Transaction Inbox Cue, you will have to handle them manually. Each transaction will have an error text stating what went wrong. Often the problem can be rectified by correct mapping of data from your bank and data in Business Central.

Currency mapping

Sometimes the bank might use numbers as a currency code, or they might not state a currency at all if the transaction is in the same currency as the home country of the bank. In these situations, you can create a mapping from the currency code of the banks to the currency code in Business Central. To do this, got to the Unhandled Bank Transaction Inbox Cue, and select Bank > Currency Map.

Currency map action
Currency map list

Here you can configure mapping rules for different currency codes. It's recommended that you always create a mapping between Currency Code (Bank) with the value of your local currency to Currency Code with no value and the Local Currency field enabled. After mapping rules have been configured, select Process > Reprocess to see if the error has been fixed.

Country/Region mapping

Most banks provide the country/region code of the business from which the purchase was made. However, the bank might have a country/region code called GBR while Business Central has a country/region code called GB, both representing Great Britain. This is important to map right because Expense Management can be set up with different posting setups, depending on the location of the expense. To set up country/region mapping rules, go to the Unhandled Bank Transaction Inbox Cue, and select Bank > Country/Region Map. After mapping rules have been configured, select Process > Reprocess to see if the error has been fixed.

Country Region Mapping list

Bank mapping

Sometimes you can extrapolate the Expense Type Code by looking at the information contained in the bank transaction. This can save you a lot of time and reduce errors since the expense users don't need to categorize each expense into an expense type code if it can be extrapolated from the bank transaction. To set up bank mapping, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Unmatched Cue in the Role Center.

  2. Select Mapping Rules.

  3. Fill in the fields as necessary.

Bank mapping rules list


The field RULE NO. specifies in which order the rules are applied. Once a rule is in use, no other rule will be used, so make sure that the most important rules have the lowest numbers.