Post approved submissions
- 3 min.
After submissions have been created and gone through the complete approval flow, they will have the status Released. Before posting the released submissions, it's helpful to get an overview and have the option to audit them. There are several ways of getting an overview, and we will explore them below.
Review status and post submissions
An Expense Management Activities CueGroup is added to the Role Centers of these roles:
Continia Expense Management
Continia Expense Management Limited
Business Manager
You may need to switch your role in My Settings.
This CueGroup indicates how many submissions are in one of the status types before posted, for each of the expense types.
These cues open a page with an overview of submissions in each status, including Ready to Post.
You can look up further details by selecting the value in the Comment column on the left side of the table.
From the list, you can either post, post batch, or preview post by selecting Action > Posting.
The Post action simply posts the submission. Preview Posting works the same way as the Business Central standard feature, where you get a preview of the ledger entries. Post Batch… lets you post multiple submissions in one go. When using the Post batch…, a request page pops up where you can set different options and filter criteria for the batch posting.
Each submission type has slightly different options and filter criteria on their request page.
Search for posted documents
Once the submissions have been posted, you can always find them again by simply selecting the search icon and entering either Posted Expenses, Posted Mileages, Posted Per Diems, or Posted Expense Reports and then selecting the related link. This opens a list where you can search or filter your way to the submissions you want to find.
Expense Management also extends Business Central's Find Entries action, where you can find all documents and entries related to a specific ledger entry. When using the Find Entries action, submissions from Expense Management will be listed on the page.