
The review and approval flow

  • 6 min.

Newly created purchase contracts must be reviewed before they become active in Document Capture, and existing purchase contracts must be reviewed periodically to make sure that they're up to date, renewed, cancelled, or modified.

The process for both types of reviews are basically the same except from who initiates the review:

  • For new contracts, it's typically an accountant who initiates the process by sending the new contract, or a batch of contracts, to the reviewer.

  • For existing and active purchase contracts that are up for their periodic review, the reviewer will be notified on the Role Center when it's time to review the contract.

You can assign different reviewers to different contracts or have one person review all contracts – whatever makes the most sense for your organization. You can also configure how often a contract should be reviewed. Both the reviewer and the review period are specified on each Purchase Contract card.

DC Purchase Contracts Purchase Contracts page approver and review


In order to be able to send contracts for review and carry out a number of other review actions in Document Capture, the user must have the permission set CDC-PC-ADMIN. For more details, please refer to the Continia Docs article: Document Capture Permission Sets.

Manually start the review process

In the Purchase Contract card, the Start Review action sends the contract for review straight away to the reviewer specified in the Purchase Code (Reviewer) field. The Status field changes to Pending Review at this point.

DC Purchase Contracts Start Review

You can also access the Purchase Contracts page from the Role Center and start the review from there. In the Purchase Contracts CueGroup, select the All Cue and you'll get a list with all purchase contracts, their individual statuses, who the reviewer is, etc.

DC Purchase Contracts page all


From the Purchase Contracts page, you can send multiple contracts for review in a batch, which you can select using filters for Next Review Date or other fields. For details about this, please refer to the Continia Docs article: Purchase Contract Reviews.

Submit a review

Once the review process has been started, the reviewer must review the contract and submit it back to the user who started the review. During the review, the reviewer can add extra lines, remove unused ones, and write review comments in case something must be changed.

To get an overview of the purchase contracts that are pending review, navigate to the Role Center > Purchase Contracts CueGroup > All Cue.

DC Purchase Contracts RoleCenter Cue


Reviewers can also submit purchase contract reviews in the Continia Web Approval Portal. Simply sign in to the Web Approval Portal and on the Purchase tab, select Contracts to open the My Pending Reviews page.

Finalize a review

When the reviewer has submitted their review, the purchase contract appears in the Review Submitted Cue on the Role Center for the user who started the review. From there, you can open the contract, check if there are any comments that you need to deal with or if you can go ahead and finalize the contract.

DC Purchase Contract Review submitted

Once you select Finish Review, the Status field clears to prepare for the next review cycle and the Next Review Date field is updated according to the review frequency specified.


Every time the status of a purchase contract changes, the change is logged in the purchase contract archive. For example, a new log entry is created automatically whenever a contract is sent for review, when a review is submitted, canceled, or finalized, or when the yearly amount of a contract changes.

From the Purchase Contracts page, you can easily access the archive if you need it for statistical or other purposes. Simply select the relevant contract and, in the action bar, select Contract > Archive History.

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