
Submit mileages via the Expense App

  • 3 min.

Expense users can submit mileage claims through the Continia Expense Mobile App. Using an integration wtih Google Maps, the Expense Mobile App suggests possible routes for your journey, and automatically adds the calculated distances.

To start the submission of a mileage, sign in to the Expense App, and then select New Mileage.

Expense Mobile App_new mileage

Enter a from-address and a to-address. The Expense Mobile App will automatically automatically suggest the best route and calculate the distance between the addresses. If users override this calculation manually, both the user-entered distance and the calculated distance will be shows to the approver and admin in the mileage overview. If you want to choose a alternative route, or add a point to the route, fold out the Route tab, and select the picture.

Expense Mobile App select mileage image

Switch between the suggested routes by selecting the right and left arrows on the picture, or add a point by selecting Add via point. Select Done once the route is right. This is useful if you a user has more than one stop during a trip, for example to visit customers at different sites, because the mileage during the whole day can be consolidated into a single mileage claim.

Expense App google maps route

Swipe the Submit slider when all the information has been entered.

Expense app mileage swipe submit

After you submit the mileage, you get three options to choose from.

  • Send and create return, will automatically create a new mileage, where the from-address and to-address are switched.
  • Send and continue from, will automatically create a new mileage, where the from-address has been prefilled with the current to-address.
  • Send, automatically sends the mileage for approval.
Mobile app Submit send create return continue from

Mileages can also be submitted through the web-based Expense Portal.