
Delegate expense user tasks

  • 4 min.

Submitting expenses through Expense Mobile App is always quick and smooth. However, there are some scenarios when an expense user would want to delegate all or some of the expense user tasks to another person. For example, your company's CEO might want to delegate this task to a personal assistant, or perhaps the sales team has a travel coordinator who books hotels and flights on behalf of them.

An expense user delegation allows the original expense user to continue to add receipts and submit expenses, but also allows the delegated user to:

  • Attach saved receipts to a new expense
  • Adjust and submit saved expenses
  • Add new receipts to the receipts list

Set up delegation

In Business Central, use the search function to navigate to Expense User Delegation.

Select the Owner User ID to specify the original expense user. Select the Delegated User ID to specify the additional user who should be able to take on the expense user tasks.

The options at Valid From and Valid To are optional, but can be useful for temporary project work, or to arrange coverage over periods when the normal delegated user is unavailable.

Synchronize with Continia Online to complete the setup.

EM Delegate Expense User Tasks-1-Expense User Delegation


Delegated Users can view expense history and receipts for all expenses made by the Owner User.

Switch to delegation on the Expense Mobile App

When a delegated user logs into their Expense Mobile App, a drop-down menu will be available next to their profile name.

EM Delegate Expense User Tasks-3-EM Mobile App Delegation drop down

They can then choose to switch to the delegation.

EM Delegate Expense User Tasks-4-EM Mobile App choose delegation

The user profile name will change to display the active user for the expense.

EM Delegate Expense User Tasks-5-EM Mobile App display delegation

The delegated expense user can begin a new expense, adjust and submit a saved expense, or add a receipt to the receipts list.

EM Delegate Expense User Tasks-6-EM Mobile App display delegation on expense

View submitted delegated expenses

Submitted delegated expenses appear alongside all other submitted expenses, in the Expenses page. An automatic Comment indicates when an expense is submitted with updates from a delegation.

EM Delegate Expense User Tasks-2-Expenses Comment updated by delegated user


In this video, Ester needs to set up delegation in Expense Management so that one her colleagues can submit expenses on behalf of another colleague. During the scenario video, you can see:

  • How to configure expense user delegation
  • How an expense user with delegation can switch between profiles on the Expense Mobile App
  • How an expense administrator can identify expenses submitted by a delegate