
Share data with CSV Ports

  • 8 min.

The Essential module in Continia Finance includes the feature CSV Ports. This feature allows you to quickly import and export data between Business Central and other systems that you use. For example, you could use CSV Ports to:

  • Import salary data into Business Central from a payroll system
  • Import customer data to add new Customer Cards quickly in Business Central
  • Export inventory information for customers to use in their own purchase order management system


If you are migrating to Business Central from another system, CSV Ports can be a quicker alternative, compared to the standard Business Central functionality for migrating data.

You can set up as many CSV ports as you need for separate uses. Each CSV port is used either for importing data or exporting data.

Create CSV ports for importing data

Navigate to CSV Ports using the search function, and choose New.

First, set up the overall function and format of the CSV port in the General FastTab.

  • At Code and Description, enter information about the purpose of the CSV port.
  • At Direction, choose Import.
  • At Table, select the appropriate Business Central table to receive the data.
  • In the Format section, choose the correct configurations to match the file you are importing.

Next, in the Fields / Columns menu, you can choose from the three actions for configuring imported lines to match the Business Central table.

  • Rebuild From File allows you to use the structure of an example file for importing. This is most likely the easiest method for configuring a CSV for import.
  • Rebuild from Table allows you to start with the structure of the Business Central table.
  • Rebuild User Defined allows you to start from a blank structure with only column numbers filled.
CSV Port Card Rebuild from File action

Based on your example file, column numbers are created in the CSV Port Lines FastTab. The Field Number and Field Name fields show suggestions for which Business Central table fields the column numbers should be mapped to. You can adjust the CSV port lines if you need to:

  • Change the mapping to a different table field
  • Remove unneeded columns from the import
  • Add in extra columns with a Format String / Fixed Text so that each added line also creates data in this table field during the import
  • Make finer adjustments on individual lines, such as filters, using the Edit Line action

From the Home menu, use the Preview action to upload an example file and check that the configurations are working as you need them to. Depending on the imported files, you may need to adjust the settings in the Import FastTab, such as:

  • Skip Header Lines, to avoid importing the header line in the original data
  • Decimal Separator, to recognize as either a period (.) or a comma (,)
CSV Port Card Import FastTab

You can import from a CSV Port Card from the Home menu with the Import / Export action.

You can also import from the CSV Ports list page from the CSV Ports menu with the Import / Export action.

From both actions, simply drag and drop in the file for importing, or use the browse function to locate the file.

Create CSV ports for exporting data

Navigate to CSV Ports using the search function, and choose New. First, set up the overall function and format of the CSV port in the General FastTab.

  • At Code and Description, enter information about the purpose of the CSV port.
  • At Direction, choose Export.
  • At Table, select the appropriate Business Central table to export.
  • In the Format section, choose the correct configurations to match any requirements for the system you are exporting to.

Next, in the Fields / Columns menu, you can choose from the three actions for configuring the exported lines from the Business Central table.

  • Rebuild From File allows you to use the structure of an example file.
  • Rebuild from Table allows you to start with the structure of the Business Central table. For exporting data, this is often the easiest action.
  • Rebuild User Defined allows you to start from a blank structure with only column numbers filled.
CSV Port Card Rebuild from Table action

Based on the Business Central table chosen, column numbers are created in the CSV Port Lines FastTab. A column is added for each available field in the table. You can adjust the CSV port lines if you need to:

  • Remove unneeded columns from the export
  • Change the order of columns in the export
  • Add in extra columns with a Format String / Fixed Text
  • Make finer adjustments on individual lines, such as filters, using the Edit Line action

From the Home menu, use the Import / Export action to download a test file to check that the configurations are working as you need them to. Depending on the system you are exporting to, you may need to adjust the settings in the Export FastTab, such as:

  • Export Field Names, to include column headers
  • Decimal Separator, to show as either a period (.) or a comma (,)
  • Format of Boolean fields, as Yes/No, True/False, or 0/1
CSV Port Card Export FastTab

You can export from a CSV Port Card from the Home menu with the Import / Export action.

You can also export from the CSV Ports list page from the CSV Ports menu with the Import / Export action.


Cronus needs to regularly import new customer data into Business Central from another system that is used to track customer leads. They also need to regularly export list of items to send to customers. Ester the bookkeeper can address both of these scenarios using CSV Ports.

Ester needs to:

  • Create a CSV Port for importing data to the Customer table in Business Central
  • Create a CSV Port for exporting inventory data to send to customers

More resources

Using CSV Ports (Continia Docs article)